Dare to confront your vision of the ideal leader with the imaginary leadership of young people

A warrior? Paternalistic? Creative? Powerful? Sensitive? Intuitive? Intuitive? Charismatic? What were the imaginaries of leadership in the past? What are they today? What are the prospects and levers for influencing these imaginaries?

For our association, whose mission is to help preserve our humanity in the 21st century, this research programme carried out with Eranos was an obvious choice: it enabled us to map and question the imaginaries of leadership, particularly among young people today. It has also enabled us to understand how these imaginaries are created, and therefore the levers that can be used to change them.

e are delighted to share the results and to work together towards a model of desirable leadership, inspired by life and driven by the heart, creating economic activities that are truly useful to the world.

All study reports can be downloaded HERE

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