6 June 2023 from 5pm to 9.30pm
At the Hôtel de l’Industrie (4 Place Saint Germain des Prés)
Special event organised by Heart Leadership University
Hosted by Blaise Mao, Editor-in-Chief of Usbek&Rica
In the presence of Sylvianne Villaudière, Vice-President of the Société d’Encouragement pour l’Industrie Nationale.
At a time when humanity is facing one of the greatest challenges in its history and the urgency of the situation is becoming more pressing by the day, we need to open up new avenues, find new solutions and develop new methods. Companies are being asked to embark on a series of major transitions as quickly as possible. But if they are to make these changes, we need to look at a more intangible but equally essential transition: that of their leaders.
To lead in a world perceived as increasingly uncertain, is it necessary to put one’s heart centre stage? t a time of multiple crises, how can we train leaders capable of facing up to and responding to unprecedented challenges? Have empathy and sensitive qualities become indispensable to leadership, and can they not, in some cases, hinder the ability to take decisions?
5pm: Welcome
5.15pm: “Sociology of imaginary leadership (among young people)”. – Presentation of research results and surveys, by Anthony Mahé (Partner, Cabinet Eranos).
17h30-18h15: Round table – La Fabrique des Leaders: “Is it necessary to revolutionise the education of leaders?” – Speakers: Yannick Blanc (Chairman of Futuribles), Florence Guémy (CEO of Bayard), Hélène Le Teno (HLU).
6.30pm: The “Future Generations Tribunal / Will tomorrow’s leaders lead from the heart?
A signature format proposed by Usbek&Rica to put an issue up for debate, with closing arguments, witnesses Anne Charpy (Founder of Voisin Malin), Eric Albert (Psychiatrist and consultant) and Yannick Meneceur (Magistrate, specialist in digital law and artificial intelligence) followed by a public vote.
8pm: Cocktail reception with Jean-Noël Thorel (Founder of NAOS-Bioderma) and senior members of the HLU movement.